For our program, Kathryn Lafond spoke about the Sufi practice that prioritizes “living in the love of Earth and as a lover of love.” She created a beautiful altar in the center, with objects representing many of our faith traditions, surrounded by beautiful evergreen garlands that represent the many paths we can take to find God, the Universe, Source, Spirit- that power known by many names. it was gorgeous! Candles were lit to welcome in the four directions as well as the beautiful blue candle from our Thanksgiving service. She shared a reading from the Sufi Book of Life and led us in several beautiful songs.
Each of us had received a votive candle at the beginning of her talk, and we held these while she led us in a beautiful meditation, guiding us to a place where we were encouraged to listen to our inner knowing. Then two by two we came forward to light our candle and place them on the altar, sharing what we had heard if desired. Sitting there watching the light grow was magical and reinforced the message that is so dear to us- we pray well together.