Spring is a joyous time on Bainbridge Island. People start to come out of their winter hibernation, and the earth fights off the gray sky with bursts of brightly colored flowers. It is a perfect time for singing and listening to beautiful music in a worshipful setting.
Music is a unifying force, no matter how different the cultures. And we celebrate our musical traditions in an annual IFC Music Festival every spring.
Next Festival:
Sunday March 30th 2025 . 3pm The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
The concert is typically an hour long and features entries from all of our council member organizations. There is also a unifying choir number and opportunities for the audience to sing and dance. Everyone leaves uplifted.
Like all IFC events, this is free, open to the public and family friendly.
Contact: Kathryn Lafond kelafond@gmail.com
Why We Need To Sing Together?
by Tiffny Weighall – 2016 – When you sing in a group it forces you to listen, to think outside yourself and about how you effect the group. It physiologically effects the frontal cortex of the brain which controls how you see yourself—as a member of a group or alone. Neurochemically, singing in a choir releases oxytocin, which has a role in friendship, trust and empathy.
It’s time we all think outside ourselves. Listen. Work together. This doesn’t mean there are no intentionally dissonant notes. But they get resolved by the end of the song. And there are sometimes moments at rehearsal where you’re ready to throw it all out, and swear you’re never coming back. But you do. Because the music needs you. And you need the music.
We need each other in our communities in the same way a choir needs differences. We’re no good on our own. Sure, some solos will happen, but you can’t take the alto section out of a choir and send them off to a performance all on their own. Without the other parts, they make no sense. The sopranos, the ones who usually carry the familiar melody, are understood on their own, but lack depth when segregated from the rest. We all have to show up. And we all have to be willing to make the choir good through some grueling work.
The things I know about working in a group–any group–came from music. May we all sing a little more, listen more intently, and make music.